1 Mar

From one of our favorite bloggers. He is one lucky guy to have such a great cat, enjoy, xo, LMA

The Closet Professor


Most people who do not like cats do so because of some stereotypes associated with owning a cat, including ones that they are snobby, nasty, boring, and have really no interest in being around people except when they want food and water. Cats are often seen as aloof animals who only do what they want to do when they want to do it. The above generalizations actually apply to very few cats. Of course cats like to have some “alone time” every now and then (Who doesn’t?), but just like people, cats have their own unique personalities, so their temperament and socialization depend quite a lot on simply “how they are.”

HRH is my faithful companion. By the way, the above picture is an actual picture of her. Over the years we have become very attached to one another. Though she may have a bit of attitude at times, especially…

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4 Responses to “HRH”

  1. roughwighting March 1, 2014 at 11:31 am #

    Sounds like a perfect pet to me! Dogs/cats, if they’re our pet and they love us and we love them, there is no better relationship and bond.

  2. Kourtney Heintz March 1, 2014 at 4:28 pm #

    My best friend and his partner have two cats–I have never met more friendly or cuddly cats in my life. I think cats need their alone time, but they can be more social than most people give them credit for. 🙂

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